Monday, December 10, 2012

Paperback soon to be

I require sleep... but I couldn't go to bed without first at least putting a smidge of info out there.
Sounds like I'm cooking: a smidge of info; a pinch of worked-really-hard-and-slept-too-little-the-last-few-days; a dash of dreaming... and voila!

Files have been submitted for the paper back creation. Within 48 hours I'll be contacted for the next step. A proof copy will follow, and shortly after that, physical copies of Treasures of Darkness Treasures of Light, Book One: Through the Dark Wood.

I'm excited! And sleepy....

Good night, All



  1. Geno's Book 1 of Treasures of Darkeness, Treasures of Light was very exciting and imaginative. Kept be spellbound. I can't wait for the paperback. It is a must read for all ages.
