Thursday, September 5, 2013

TODTOL Book Two Update

I’ve debated writing this post.

But, it’s the best and wisest thing I can do for you (the reader) and for the story of Zam Windwater.

I’ve been particularly silent on my blog and Facebook lately as I’ve been working on the sequel to Through the Dark Wood. I’m writing today because… Book Two will not be available for this holiday season. To do justice to the story and to your expectations for quality, I can’t rush it the way I have found myself doing lately. I’m sure I could hammer out a sequel in the allotted time and make it “presentable”, but that’s all it would be—and “presentable” is by no means good enough. To ensure the sequel is well written and properly edited (as I’m sure you would hope it will be), I need to reel back, slow down, and treat the story with the respect it deserves. If I don’t, I won’t be treating you the reader with the respect you deserve. And, I’m not okay with that.

Between writing, family, and my day job, and Zachary’s illustrating, family, and his day job, neither of us will be able to produce the quality you deserve without first slowing down. So, I know it’s the best decision. It’s too important to tell the story the way it should be, and we simply can’t rush that.
I’ll update you as I get a feel for the time line (it’ll be released sometime in 2014). And, I'll be posting some other updates very soon as well.

Thank you each for your continued enthusiasm for Book Two,
